"30 Jahre Landkreis Havelland" - 9 December 2023
Schloss Ribbeck (Havelland)
Christmas concert - 1 December 2023
St. Nikolai-Kirche Spandau
Lunch concert at the EKBO choir conducting symposium
14 October 2023
"Tauffest" - Baptism celebration Spandau church district
8 July 2023
Reformationsplatz, Altstadt Spandau
Music and Spirit Night - 7 July 2023
Gemeindehaus Kirchengemeinde Staaken
"Spandauer Liedertag" 2023 - 25 June 2023
Freilichtbühne Zitadelle
Sommer Concert - 24 June 2023
St. Nikolai-Kirche Spandau
Fotos: Hanna Krbr